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Hi and thanks for stopping by our website. I am running for election to a seat on Chesapeake’s City Council. I decided to run because I felt that the current City Council is not representing the will of the citizens. In fact, they are making decisions based on what the Real Estate Companies and Developers want. These decisions are clouded by these same Real Estate and Developers “campaign contributions.”  All of the current Council members have taken tens of thousands of dollars from the developer community. Some have taken even more.
My first pledge to the citizens of Chesapeake is: “I will never take any contribution from any real estate, developer, construction, builder or business."
I will seek to be a representative of the people of Chesapeake. I will seek out your opinions, your experiences, your wants, needs and visions for our city. I will always consider the present residents quality of life, before I make a vote. I look forward to serving, please vote for Jeff Staples on November 5th, 2024!

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